Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Instagram Account :D


I now have posted my first photo on Instagram. My username is catherinewardbabyx. Expect lots of selfies :) 

Have a great day peeps and I'll see you on Saturday with a OOTD for today! 

Miss Catherine x

Tuesday, 23 June 2015


To celebrate one of the BEST days ever. I am going to attempt some photography... lets see how this goes.

I have collected a range of items that were in my room and the color pink. So... 

Here they are. Pink is definitely my favorite color

Just Pink by Next is incredible. I love the summery floral smell. 

This bag actually belongs to my housemate so I will not be featuring this again as it's going to be given to her. 

I have had this purse since last March when I was working. I popped into Peacocks to see if I could get a new purse as mine was broken. Baring in mind I used to work at the Peacocks I went into. My old manager had said that I looked suspicious, and asked what I was looking for. I replied with 'a purse that's pink' but couldn't find one. Until he basically did the 'game show' hands and showed me this one. I just looked at him as if to say I was just about to walk out of the shop feeling good about not spending... until that point. I paid £8 for it and it is worth every penny. 

Something very different. But still PINK.
I moved out of my Mum's house in February last year (2014) and I had literally no clue about using the washing machine nor the tumble dryer. So I got these to make it easier. Just pop your washing in, pop one of these in (or 2), press start and Bob is definitely you're Uncle.

I'll see all you beautiful people on Saturday when I will be posting my OOTW.

Happy National Pink Day EVERYONE!!! 💋 

Miss Catherine x

MissCatherineWard!Victory hand
Where to find me;
Facebook; Miss Catherine Ward
Twitter; cjoanward_
Email contact; catherinejw@hotmail.com
My other blog; http://www.blogger.com/misscatherinewardfashion.blogspot.com

Saturday, 20 June 2015

1 Pair of Sandals - 2 ways

Hey Beauties, 

I am so unorganised this week which will be explained in Sunday's main blog post as I reflect on my week. As a result of this, this one is scheduled. Enjoy!

Do you know when you do a thorough clean of your room (which for me is very rare), you find lots of things hidden in the back of your wardrobe. 
I used to constantly get blisters from these sandals but I still love them. They are from New Look and I got them from my cousin more than two years ago. 

Here's what I would wear them with. 

A pair of sandals, a short sleeved blouse and some denim shorts. You really can't go wrong. 

I love a short cut in getting dressed. The go-to dress I am constantly wearing is this one from Primark. It's so soft and it's been my wardrobe staple for over a year. I just love it. When it's a little chilly I throw on a light woolly cardigan and I'm good to go.

I really hope you liked this blog post. Be sure to follow me on Google+ and click like on my Facebook page. 

I post every Tuesday and Saturday on here at 12pm GMT.
I also have a main blog which I put up new posts every Thursday and Sunday at 12pm GMT.
Check out the links below. 

Miss Catherine x

CatherineWard!Victory hand
Where to find me;
Facebook; Miss Catherine Ward
Twitter; cjoanward_
Email contact; catherinejw@hotmail.com
My other blog; http://www.blogger.com/misscatherinewardfashion.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Life as a Recovering Alcoholic!❤

I'm not proud to have been an alcoholic and I'm not making excuses for it, this is purely to show people who are going through the same struggles and have turned or thinking of turning to drink as a result that recovery is possible with or without treatment.

My story begins in July 2013. I had an unexpected visit from one of my older Brothers. He came up to my room, sat me down and told me that my Dad had suffered a pretty bad stroke. This was when it all started. I just couldn't handle the emotions I was feeling and the fact that I may never see my Dad again. Boy was I wrong?! He had suffered a bad stroke but was able to stay strong throughout it all. 
He had a Police escort from Margate Hospital in Kent to Kings College in London and on the way we very nearly lost him. I had to accept that he may never fully recover and that he may not remember my name or who I am which was heartbreaking but I had to prepare myself. 
I found a bottle of wine in the cupboard and took it upstairs with me. I just remember staring at the bottle questioning why I was about to drown my emotions and pain in alcohol, but once I took the first sip... there was no stopping me. I had at least 10 large glasses of Lambrini and was so drunk. The hangover was definitely the worst part. I couldn't even sit up on my bed. It was definitely punishing me for what I had done the night before.

After that it became a habit to just drown out my emotions and my thoughts with alcohol, I would drink multiple bottles a week. I would get paid and just buy alcohol and keep it in my room then while everyone sleeps I just drink myself into paranoia and just block everything out.


Thinking back now. It wasn't the only option, it was the easy option. Everyone has their ways of dealing with different things. It's natural to do this but please don't think that alcohol is the answer or drugs are the answer, they aren't the only options. 
I am not proud of becoming an alcoholic but without help I became the person I am today, the person who can sit in a pub without ordering shots or a large glass of wine, the person who can hold someone else's alcoholic drink without taking a sip or two. I am who I am. I don't regret turning to drink, as it did help drown the pain but I didn't think of the bigger picture. I've spent more than £100 on alcohol alone. I didn't even realise. I starved myself just so I could have enough to buy that bottle of alcohol to calm me down. I was an absolute mess, although I didn't realise at the time. 

I will leave some links below if you are going through the same or know someone who drinks heavily to drown out the pain too. 

To go to the contact page for Samaritans... please click here. 
To go to the NHS Website for Alcohol Misuse... please click here.

If you are worried about someone else please be there for them... it's just like mental health... you feel so alone struggling with the pain. 

Whatever you or someone you know is going through... please stay strong. I'm not going to say it gets easier but with the right help... you too will be on the road to recovery. 

Thank You. 

MissCatherineWard!Victory hand
Where to find me;
Facebook; Miss Catherine Ward
Twitter; cjoanward_
Email contact; catherinejw@hotmail.com
My other blog; http://www.blogger.com/misscatherinewardfashion.blogspot.com

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Summer TAG!!❤

Hey beauties, 

I apologise I haven't been posting this week, I have my reasons I promise which I'll explain in another post. This will be put up as soon as I've finished it.

Lets get on with the SUMMER TAG shall we?!

❤ What is your favorite lip color this Summer?
- MUA Lipstick in Scarlet Siren is definitely my favorite. Who says you can't wear a red lip all year round?! I certainly do. 

Show us your favorite Summer dress.
Not sure if anyone will remember Tammy Girl in Debenhams but I got this back in 2010 for my Dad's wedding. It's now my go-to dress for Summer. And it even still fits!! 

❤  What is your favorite Summer accessory?
- My favorite Summer accessory must be my Sunglasses. They make me look like a bug but I love them. I'm looking to get the pink sunglasses from Primark. I wear sunglasses mainly when I'm on a driving lesson if it's sunny. 

❤ What is your favorite Summer candle?
- Last Christmas one of the other colleagues at the Council brought me a little French Lavender Candle which I am burning as I type. It has such a fresh scent to it and after a day out it makes the room smell amazing. I got another candle from one of my friends yesterday which is a Yankee Candle in Lavender Spa. I love them. I will definitely invest in some more soon! 

❤ What is your favorite Summer body spray or perfume?
- My all-time favorite perfume has to be Just Pink Perfume. This has such a floral scent to it. It's just gorgeous and it's definitely my go-to scent. 

❤ What is the weather like where you live in the Summer?
If you're a UK resident or have visited the UK during the summer. It differs from day-to-day. At the moment it is quite cold and windy. 

❤ What is your favorite thing about the Summer?
- My favorite thing about Summer has to be my Birthday. It's 20th August and I will be 21 this year so a big celebration is planned. WOOP WOOP!! 

❤ What are your plans for Summer vacation?
I'm really not sure. I am partying with my friends for my birthday but I think that's about it. Spending time with my family will definitely be happening. 

MissCatherineWard!Victory hand
Where to find me;
Facebook; Miss Catherine Ward
Twitter; cjoanward_
Email contact; catherinejw@hotmail.com
My other blog; http://www.blogger.com/misscatherinewardfashion.blogspot.com

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Latest Obsessions/Monthly Favorites; May

Hey guys., 

This will be a list of what I've been obsessed with over the last month or so...

1. First and foremost is definitely Mattessons Fridge Raiders either in the yellow packet or the blue packet. They are incredible. My Mum brought me them instead of Morrison's Chicken Skewers as there wasn't any left. We loved them that much, we went back and bought a further two packets... EACH!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!❤ 

2. The fragrance 'Just Pink' from next. 
This is my go-to fragrance. It's such a lovely smell and lasts pretty much all day. Although I still keep it in my bag to freshen up throughout the day. (What's In My Bag post will be up on Wednesday (10th) at the normal time of 12pm GMT)

3. Driving lessons. This may be breaking the rules a little bit with this post. But I absolutely love it. This will also be in my monthly favourites until I die. I'm being taught by Kevin from Round 'N' About Driving School in Corby. He's also my Step-Dad. We have a laugh and our relationship has gotten stronger since he started teaching me. We have a great time. 

4. Popcorn Chicken from KFC. Need I say more?!

5. Bit of a strange one... but I absolutely love running errands. The other week was packed full of errands I needed to get done and it was amazing. I also do this on driving lessons. Mcd's Drive Thru on the A14 is the one stop I make constantly.

5. Watching vlogs. My top YouTubers are;
Pointless Blog
Tanya Burr
Jim Chapman
Brogan Tate
I absolutely love watching what people do in their day.

Hope you enjoyed the short list of things I'm currently loving at the moment.
Comment below with your favorites and I'll try them out. 

MissCatherineWard!Victory hand
Where to find me;
Facebook; Miss Catherine Ward
Twitter; cjoanward_
Email contact; catherinejw@hotmail.com
My other blog; http://www.blogger.com/misscatherinewardfashion.blogspot.com

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Throwback Thursday!❤

I had no idea about what to do for another blog post but I decided this will be perfect. 

I went away as a present for my 18th Birthday. I was treated to a week in Crete, Greece and it was amazing. The scenery was just perfect. I don't know what it is, but the breakfast or the food in general was just incredible, I always love going to the buffet and bringing a plate of food back. It's just delicious!!

Here are a few photos from the trip back in 2012;

Going on the plane was by far the best bit. I do have a slight fear of flying but I absolutely love it. It gets me all excited.

I was hysterical and fidgety at the airport just before boarding the plane. I literally couldn't sit or stand still. I was probably more excited than the little ones that were on my flight. Such a big kid at heart.
This was taken the day after we arrived. It was 7:30am in the morning and we were the only ones at the pool.
I'd call this photo "the calm before the storm!!"

I know holidays are all about relaxing and just taking it easy. But it was such an amazing place, we used every single hour to explore and take in the amazing scenery. Yep, we even had an alarm set for 7am. I never get up at 7am but to see the sun come up over the pool was definitely worth it.
This was me doing Aqua Gym. I simply love doing this when I'm on holiday, it gets you involved and you get a little exercise mixed in. It's fun and it's beneficial. I also did Zumba Fitness for an hour in scorching hot weather (we did it in the shade, it was still roasting)

I absolutely loved doing Aqua Gym. The main reason I love it is that it adds fun to the holiday and also you can stare at the fit guy that's teaching you the dance moves with a valid reason. Hehe. Bonus!!

This is one of the photos from our first night out exploring the town. 

This photo is slightly annoying me, because quite simply my hair has gone completely frizzy. It's a complete mess but that's what I get for blow drying it and straightening it constantly. 
The night out wasn't the best. In fact I had a panic attack. 
Standing outside a strip club were a few local guys who approached my cousin and I and asked how old we were. I was 17 at the time, but I told them I was 12, which is how old I actually look, but that didn't stop them grabbing my arm and pulling me closer to them. Like, seriously. Picking up girls outside a strip club is not the way to do it!!
I had a panic attack when all this was happening. It was the worst. We even had to avoid walking down there so I didn't have another panic attack. 
Anyway moving on...

This is one of my attempts at photography. It was taken before all the drama happened. So this will also be called "calm before the storm!!" 

This is another attempt at photography. I just love taking pictures.

If you look closely you'd be able to tell that I had been crying. I literally had no makeup left on my face.
It was the worst night. The smile on my face was a forced one. I just made the best out of a bad situation. Again my hair was just a mess.

You may realise that this is the same image that is at the top of this blog post. But this was before I edited it. It's even better than the one the actual paid photographer has for the keyrings. Hehe. This was taken on the last day.

This is the hotel I was staying at. Link - http://www.maris.gr/creta.aspx 

It was a lovely hotel. The staff were nice, the entertainment was amazing (big kid alert!!) and it had a lovely atmosphere. Everyone was friendly and just having a great time.
The lifeguard wasn't too bad either. A+ for you. 👫 

It was a lovely present and I really enjoyed myself.
Thank You to my amazing family for the best holiday ever!!! 

Where to find me;
Facebook; Miss Catherine Ward
Twitter; @cjoanward_
My email contact; catherinejw@hotmail.com
My other blog; http://misscatherineward.blogspot.com/