I absolutely hate mornings. But to see the sun shine like this is just amazing. In fact I saw this exact picture every day for a week back in 2012 so I'm cheating and using an old picture, but that was in fact when I was on holiday just before my 18th Birthday. We got up every morning at 7.00am to get down to the pool for 7.30am.
I went to Greece in 2012 as my 18th Birthday present but left two days before to celebrate my birthday with my family.
The picture above has nothing to do with this blog post except the fact that it was taken in the morning...
❤ !Morning Routine!❤
Here goes...
I try and get up around 7.30am. But today I took advantage of the fact that everyone was out so I slept in a little more than usual. I don't set an alarm. I don't see the point because technology these days just gives us the option to 'snooze' for a bit longer. (see what I did there.. hehe.) Living in a shared house, you always get woken up by something what ever time it is. I'm quite lucky as I'm unconscious in my bed (as my Grandad says) and can sleep through pretty much anything.
Anyway, I would log onto my laptop and check my social media accounts... you know the drill... Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blogger and all that good stuff.
Then I would head into my kitchen where I make my breakfast. This morning I had Cornflakes and milk with a cup of cold water to waken me up a little bit more.
Then I would head back in to my room and sit on my bed planning my day whilst watching YouTube videos. Zalfie (Zoe and Alfie), Narcus (Niomi and Marcus), Janya (Tanya and Jim), Jasper (Joe and Casper) who you should all know. If you don't, go back under your rock!
Then I would just lounge around in my pyjamas until I have watched enough vlogs to last me a lifetime.
After that, I will do my skincare and makeup routine... which I did a blog post on so the link to that will be below so check it out if you haven't already.
Then I have the task of picking out an outfit. This actually takes longer than it should but it was fun fun fun!!
If I needed to then I would make my bed and tidy up a little bit but I do this straight away when I leave to go and make breakfast.
Then I would just put my hair up into a messy bun, which is my go-to hairstyle for the summer. I wash it every 3 days so it's always clean or nearly clean when the morning comes around.
Then I would just put my hair up into a messy bun, which is my go-to hairstyle for the summer. I wash it every 3 days so it's always clean or nearly clean when the morning comes around.
If I need to run errands... I leave my room all tidy and go out with my Mumma Bear who is basically my taxi driver.
And that is it!! Below is a photo of the products I used today including the cereal I had. Baring in mind I actually took this before I got out of bed... just because I am a lazy bones!✌
My keys has a Minnie Mouse shoe on it that my cousin got for me... 'cause she's a cutie.
Thanks so much for reading this blog post. Tomorrow I will put up a blog post on my main blog so look out for that. It's scheduled for 8.00am for Pacific Daytime. I really get confused with the time zone this blog website has but anyway.
Link to my Skincare and Makeup Routine;
Where to find me;
Facebook; Miss Catherine Ward
Twitter; @cjoanward_
My email contact; catherinejw@hotmail.com
My other blog; http://misscatherineward.blogspot.com/