When it comes to 'me time' I don't mess around. If I'm in my room with chill music playing, I'll be in my zone.
1. What do you like to read or watch during me time?
I like to watch pretty much anything, if I've missed the soaps from the day before or the week before, I'd watch them and catch up with YouTube videos.
2. What do you wear during me time?
I just wear anything comfy. Either joggers and a lose top or whatever I'm wearing that day. It's not specific.
3. What are your favorite me time beauty products?
I'll just take my makeup off with makeup wipes and use moisturizer.
4. Current favorite nail polish?
I don't wear nail polish.
5. What would you eat or drink during me time?
I always reach for biscuits or make myself a pot noodle. Either that or I chew on some grapes, it just depends what's in stock.
6. Current favorite candle?
I got one for Christmas from one of the colleagues at Corby Borough Council when I was doing work experience there. It's lavender, the best smell ever.
7. Do you ever have outdoor me time?
I would always go outside if it was a nice sunny day, which is rare in the UK.
8. Would you ever go and watch a film alone?
No, definitely not. It'll be too embarrassing.
9. Favorite online shop?
I love Next online, mainly because my Mum's got an account with them. And they don't get you to pay straight away which is great.
10. Anything to add? What else do you do during me time?
Sleep. I definitely use my me time to sleep aswell. I shouldn't nap but it's just what I do at 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Sometimes I'll nap when my niece is napping too. Hehe.
Where to find me;
Facebook; Miss Catherine Ward
Twitter; @cjoanward_
My email contact; catherinejw@hotmail.com
My other blog; http://misscatherineward.blogspot.com/
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